Groomed from Rugged Edge into Shiver Shack via Logger School Road and down Twin Ponds to Gallants. Then groomed back to Rugged Edge. . Refueled groomer and groomed from Rugged Edge out to Gallants via railbed and groomed back to Mt Moriah then returned to Rugged Edge.
Groomed from Hughes Brook in through Goose Arm to Sinkhole Shack and groomed back to Hughes Brook. Had to drop drag and and track and then groom section of heavy drifting before the Sinkhole Shack. Them groomed behind dump to Riverside Drive and up to City Tire Trail. Groomed back to Hughes Brook.
Groomed from Pasadena east to Camel Back. Had to disconnect and doze the trail from Trout Pond to Camel Back and back then connected drag and groomed same section. Groomed trail to Midland West and Stennford Hill and then groomed back to Pasadena east.
