Groomed from Rugged Edge to just past Trailing Arm Road. Dropped the drag went back toward Trailing Arm Road and dozed the drifts turned around tracked to the Shiver Shack and then on to the map. Turned around and tracked back to the Shiver Shack then tracked down Twin Ponds Trail to Gallants. Turned around tracked back to the drag, hooked up and groomed back to Rugged Edge.
Groomed from Pasadena east to Nelson’s Pond onto Pynns Brook road to km8 and then to Glide Lake road then cross country to spillway. Turned back and groomed back to Pasadena east.
Tracked from Hughes Brook to West Pond to Humber Valley Resort via the Smiley Trail. Tracked back to Balls Pond and then returned to Hughes Brook. Then tracked in behind the dump towards Corner Brook as far as the cemetery entrance. Tracked back to Hughes Brook.
Big thanks to Glenn Coffen for guiding our operator through the ridge on the smiley trail. Always a sketchy section until it gets set up. Glenn’s pics/videos below.
Big day/night from our operators.